Creating an Adapter

Database adapters enable Harlequin to work with any relational database by abstracting the actual interface into a standard that Harlequin can use. The interface is minimal: adapters were designed to be easy to implement and maintain. Adapter authors only need familiarity with Python and the database they wish to use; no knowledge of Textual, user interfaces, or async programming is required.

What, Exactly, Is an Adapter?

An adapter is a Python package that declares an entry point in the harlequin.adapters group. That entry point should reference a subclass of the HarlequinAdapter abstract base class. This allows Harlequin to discover installed adapters and instantiate a selected adapter at run-time.

Harlequin has two built-in adapters that are distributed with the harlequin package. All other adapters should be distributed as their own packages. They may be named harlequin_<database>, but the naming convention is not necessary.


There are three interfaces defined as abstract base classes in the harlequin.adapter module. You will have to implement each of them.


The first is the HarlequinAdapter, which is initialized with conn_str (a tuple of connection strings) and any options passed into Harlequin at the command line or through a config file. The adapter declares its options via the ADAPTER_OPTIONS class variable (more info below).

The primary purpose of an adapter is to provide its connect() method, which creates and returns an instance of HarlequinConnection.

Optionally, adapters may implement a connection_id property that uniquely identifies the connection in a manner that is stable between Harlequin invocations. Harlequin uses this connection_id to persist and retrieve the data catalog and query history across invocations of Harlequin.


A connection must provide two methods: get_catalog and execute.

  • get_catalog() introspects the connection and returns a Catalog, whose items represent each database, relation, column, etc. available through the connection. The information in the Catalog is displayed to users in the Data Catalog sidebar in Harlequin, and is made available as autocomplete options. The schema for Catalog and CatalogItem are found in the harlequin.catalog module.

  • execute(query) runs a query in the connected database. If the query returns data (like a select statement), execute returns a HarlequinCursor. Otherwise, it returns None.

get_catalog and execute are called by Harlequin in different threads, and those calls may overlap. If multiple queries are run by the user, execute may be called many times serially, in a single thread, before any of the cursors’ results are fetched (currently there are no plans to execute queries in parallel using multiple threads).

A connection may also provide close, cancel, get_completions, and validate_sql methods; to support multiple transaction modes, it may also implement the toggle_transaction_mode method and the transaction_mode property.

  • close() can be implemented by an adapter to gracefully close the connection to the underlying database when Harlequin quits, if necessary.

  • cancel() should cancel any in-progress queries; it may also be necessary to handle any raised exceptions caused by cancelling queries, either during query execution or results fetching. After implementing this method, set the adapter class variable IMPLEMENTS_CANCEL to True to show the cancel button in the Harlequin UI. See the DuckDB adapter for a reference implementation.

  • get_completions() should return a list of HarlequinCompletion instances, which represent additional, adapter-specific keywords, functions, or other strings for editor autocomplete (Harlequin automatically builds completions for each CatalogItem, so they should not be included).

  • validate_sql(query) should very quickly parse the passed query: it is used to validate the selected text in Harlequin and determine whether the selection or entire query should be executed. If it is implemented, Harlequin will not attempt to execute the selected text if it is not a valid query; otherwise, Harlequin will always execute the selected text.

The transaction behavior of an adapter is undefined, and is up to the adapter author. Optionally, an adapter can declare one or more transaction modes, which will cause Harlequin to display buttons to toggle the modes (and optionally) commit and roll back transactions.

Screenshot of the Run Query bar with manual transaction mode enabled.
Screenshot of the Run Query bar with manual transaction mode enabled.

To enable this, you must implement the transaction_mode property and the toggle_transaction_mode() method on the connection. Both return a HarlequinTransactionMode data class with a string label and optional callables to commit and rollback a transaction, which will be invoked by Harlequin if the user clicks those buttons.


A cursor must provide three methods: columns, set_limit, and fetchall.

  • columns() returns a list of tuples; each tuple is a (column_name, column_type) pair. The name and type will be printed in the column header in Harlequin’s Results Viewer. The column type should be abbreviated to 1-3 characters: for example, the built-in adapters use s for string/varchar fields, ## for integer fields, and #.# for floating-point fields.

  • set_limit(limit) should limit the number of records returned by a subsequent call to fetchall(). It is used by Harlequin to implement the limit checkbox on the Run Query Bar.

  • fetchall() should return all of the data returned by the query, in one of several accepted formats. It will be called exactly once on each cursor. The acceptable formats are declared by the AutoBackendType of Harlequin’s Data Table widget (source here). They are:

    1. A PyArrow Table or RecordBatch.
    2. A Mapping of str to Sequence, where keys represent column names and the sequences are the data in each column. For example: {"col_a": [1, 2, 3], "col_b": ["a", "b", "c"]}
    3. A Sequence of Iterables, like a list of tuples, representing rows of data (or records). Such a sequence MUST NOT contain a header row.
    4. A pathlib.Path or str path to a local Parquet file.

Adapter Options

Adapters will be initialized with conn_str, a sequence of connection strings. Adapters may interpret these strings however they like; Harlequin neither imposes constraints nor performs validation on them.

Beyond that, adapters can declare CLI options by setting the ADAPTER_OPTIONS class variable on their subclass of HarlequinAdapter. The class variable should be a list of instances of subclasses of AbstractOption, like TextOption, FlagOption, SelectOption, etc. Each Option instance must have a name and description. See the harlequin.options module or the implementations by the DuckDB and SQLite adapters for more information.

Packaging and Distributing Adapters

You can use the harlequin-adapter-template repo as a starting point for your adapter. It uses MyAdapter as a placeholder class name (along with MyConnection and MyCursor) and creates a plugin registered as my-adapter.

Your adapter should require a compatible version of Harlequin as a dependency. We suggest using harlequin = "^1.4" as the dependency specification.

Making Your Adapter Discoverable as a Plug-in

Your adapter must register an entry point in the harlequin.adapters group, using the packaging software you use to build your project. We recommned Poetry. If you use Poetry, you can define the entry point in your pyproject.toml file:

my-adapter = "my_package_name:MyAdapter"

In this example, my-adapter is the name of the plugin. Harlequin users will select this adapter with harlequin --adapter my-adapter. my_package_name is the import name of your package (which may or may not be the same name as your distribution or PyPI name). Finally, MyAdapter is a subclass of HarlequinAdapter that is available in the my_package_name namespace, probably because it was imported into the top-level file.

The template repo includes a test to ensure that your adapter is discoverable as a plug-in.

Adding Your Adapter a Harlequin Extra

If you would like your adapter installable as a Harlequin extra (e.g., pip install harlequin[my-adapter]), open a PR against tconbeer/harlequin that adds the extra and the optional dependency to Harlequin’s pyproject.toml file.

my-adapter-pypi-distribution = { version = "^0.1", optional = true }

my-adapter = ["my-adapter-pypi-distribution"]

After updating pyproject.toml, you must run poetry lock --no-update to regenerate the lockfile so it includes the new dependencies. Both pyproject.toml and poetry.lock should be included in your PR.

Testing Adapters

The harlequin-adapter-template repo provides a small set of tests that cover the basic functionality of an adapter. You will need to replace references to MyAdapter, MyConnection, and MyCursor with imports of your actual classes. Then you can run the tests with pytest. You are encouraged to add tests that are specific to the functionality of your adapter.

Documenting Adapters

You should add basic docs for your adapter (installation and usage) in the README of your adapter’s project. See harlequin-postgres as an example.

In addition, if you would like your adapter to appear in these docs, open a PR against tconbeer/harlequin-web that makes the following changes:

  1. Add a directory with your adapter’s name to /src/docs/.

  2. Add a file called inside that new directory. Add basic installation and usage info in that file (you can probably copy-paste this from your README). Link to your project’s repo at the top of the page (see /src/docs/bigquery/ for an example). This file should start with frontmatter that defines the title and sets the menu sort order; your menuOrder value should be between 100 and 200; files should be divisible by 10.

    title: "Adapter: BigQuery"
    menuOrder: 100
  3. Add your adapter to the list of community adapters in /src/docs/ Give yourself credit there. Link to the docs page you just created.

  4. (Optional) Add more pages of docs under the /src/docs/<your adapter>/ directory. Each file should again have frontmatter; the menuOrder should be one higher than the last page (your index page or another additional page):

    title: "Auth and Permissions"
    menuOrder: 101
  5. (Optional) Add your database’s icon to the front page of this site. Find or create a PNG icon with a transparent background. Then resize it to 50x50 and convert it to greyscale, and place it in the /src/lib/assets/databases/ directory. On Linux, using ImageMagick, that looks like this:

    $ convert my_db_icon.png -resize 50x50 -colorspace gray ./src/lib/assets/databases/my_db_icon.png