Adapter: SQLite


The SQLite adapter ships with Harlequin; you do not need to do anything else to install it.

Using Harlequin with SQLite

From any shell, to open one or more SQLite database files:

$ harlequin -a sqlite "path/to/sqlite.db" "another_sqlite.db"

To open an in-memory SQLite session, run Harlequin with no arguments:

$ harlequin -a sqlite

You can also open databases in read-only mode:

$ harlequin -a sqlite -r "path/to/sqlite.db"

As an alternative to the -r flag, you can specify a mode parameter directly using the --mode option:

$ harlequin -a sqlite --mode rw

Other configuration options are available for SQLite, including specifying the timeout, isolation level, and statement cache. For more information, run:

$ harlequin --help