Adapter: Wherobots

This documentation is Copyright Wherobots, reproduced here under an Apache 2.0 License. See the repository for the most up-to-date documentation.

This repository provides the Harlequin adapter for WherobotsDB, using the Wherobots Spatial SQL API and its wherobots-python-dbapi-driver.


You must install the harlequin-wherobots package into the same environment as harlequin. The best and easiest way to do this is to use uv to install Harlequin with the additional package:

$ uv tool install harlequin --with harlequin-wherobots


Procure an API key from Wherobots, and start Harlequin with the required parameters:

$ harlequin -a wherobots --api-key 

Alternatively, you can use your session token:

$ harlequin -a wherobots --token 

The Harlequin adapter for Wherobots will automatically start a Wherobots SQL session with the default runtime (Tiny, 4 executors) in the default Wherobots public compute region (AWS us-west-2). You can override those defaults with the --runtime and --region options, respectively:

$ harlequin -a wherobots --api-key --runtime MEDIUM --region AWS_US_WEST_2
lightbulb icon Tip
Community Edition users of Wherobots Cloud are restricted to the "Tiny" runtime size. See Wherobots Pricing for more information.

Advanced options

If your SQL session is already provisioned and running, you can force the driver to directly connect to it via its WebSocket URL (without protocol version):

$ harlequin -a wherobots --api-key --ws-url 

You can also specify the base hostname of the Wherobots stack to interact with as the first positional parameter. By default, the driver connects to, the official public Wherobots service.

$ harlequin -a wherobots --api-key [host]