Adapter: RisingWave

This documentation is Copyright 2024 ZhengYu, Xu, reproduced here under an MIT License. See the repository for the most up-to-date documentation.


You must install the harlequin-risingwave package into the same environment as harlequin. The best and easiest way to do this is to use uv to install Harlequin with the additional package:

$ uv tool install harlequin --with harlequin-risingwave

Usage and Configuration

Run Harlequin with the -a risingwave option and pass a Posgres DSN as an argument:

$ harlequin -a risingwave "postgres://my-user:my-pass@localhost:5432/my-database"

You can also pass all or parts of the connection string as separate options. The following is equivalent to the above DSN:

$ harlequin -a risingwave -h localhost -p 5432 -U my-user --password my-pass -d my-database

Many more options are available; to see the full list, run:

$ harlequin --help

For more information, see the Postgres docs.