Customizing Key Bindings

About Key Bindings and Keymaps

A key binding associates a key press, within a context, to an action.

A keymap is a named set of key bindings.

Harlequin gets all of its key bindings from the keymaps it discovers and loads when it starts. These keymaps are loaded either from plug-ins (installed Python packages) or TOML config files. Harlequin ships with a single keymap plug-in that defines all of its default bindings. That default keymap is called vscode, since many of its bindings mimic those in the popular text editor.

Changing Key Bindings

Changing key bindings in Harlequin is a two-step process:

  1. Install a keymap plug-in or create a new keymap in a config file.
  2. Select the keymap when starting Harlequin.